Gold haul at Paltan: Mohammad Ali placed on 6-day remand


Our Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court on Saturday placed Mohammad Ali, who was arrested on Thursday night in connection with the gold and foreign currency haul in Purana Paltan, on a six-day remand,
Magistrate SM Masuduzzaman granted the remand as police pleaded for 10-day remand prayers.
On Thursday night, a CIID led by Detective Branch (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), recovered local currency amounting to Tk 4.5cr in cash, Saudi and UAE denominated currency worth Tk 15 lakh and 528 gold bars weighing 61.5 kgs having a street value of Tk 20 crore from an apartment 7, House no: 29/1 at capital’s Naya Paltan area. They also arrested the house owner Mohammad Ali in this connection.
