Modi’s extreme Hinduism and lack of foresight brought the inhuman tragedy for India


The Trinamool Congress (TMC) is returning to ‘Nabanna’, the West Bengal Secretariat, for the third consecutive term bagging more than 200 out of 294 seats.

Expressing joy, in an instant reaction Mamata Banerjee on Sunday told the media that it was Bengal’s victory. At the same time, she added, “All Covid protocols must be maintained. There will be no victory procession for now.”

Undoubtedly, Mamata Banerjee would get credit for the TMC’s astounding performance in West Bengal elections. And no one would be surprised seeing the ruling party Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) poor show in the battle of ballots.

But it’s not political party dominated state elections, rather it is Covid-19 newest variant (widely called Indian variant) which has drawn the concern of the whole world. The new virus spread like wildfire across the Indian states — from Delhi to Maharashtra, Kokata to Chennai and where not! Modi was bragging his government’s success in containing Covid-19 virus for the world to see. The government of the Prime Minister was found in shambles to deal with the crisis. One of most eminent doctors, named Dr RK Himthani, the head of the gastroenterology deapartment, Barta Hospital, Delhi, died the other day for non availability of oxygen in spite of the fact huge supply of oxygen from various countries arrived in India along with other necessities.

Mr Modi was making India a Hindu country. His hatred for Muslims in India is a shame for the Indian people themselves. He is arrogant to project himself as a strong leader while his government was falling apart. The public health sector is found most neglected and disorganised.


It is widely alleged that the BJP, Indian Election Commission and Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself are liable for the present pandemic situation.

When India was recording 200,000 -300,000 coronavirus cases a day, as oxygen was running short and people were dying at home for hospital bed shortage, cremations and burying were on a mass-scale; Modi’s BJP along with its president Amit Shah (Central Home Minister) were busy holding mass gatherings for electoral gain to get hold over different states, including West Bengal.

Modi’s — backdated Hinduism — wrong policy has crushed India’s health system and it is now facing history’s biggest crisis since her independence. India is heading towards calamity due to his lapses and missteps. The situation is also challenging Modi’s vision to expose India as a fundamental Hindu country rather than the secular republic envisioned by its founders.

Though coronavirus cases skyrocketed, Mr Modi continued to hold huge election rallies and declined to cancel Kumbh Mela, a Hindu religious festival, in the northern state of Uttarakhand despite pleas from health experts that drew over five millions to the banks of the Ganges River.

In many third world countries political leaders with no knowledge of government and no foresight are causing terrible miseries and remaining in power through the business of corruption. The international community must recognise the importance of making peaceful change possible. The most important human right is to change undesirable government peacefully through free election.
