Modi, Sharif meet briefly at Saarc Summit

block :KATHMANDU: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and premier Nawaz Sharif shook hands and met briefly on Thursday during the retreat at the Saarc Summit, according to Indian media reports.Sources say there was no separate conversation between the two leaders.According to a report on NDTV, Modi and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif shook hands and spoke briefly at an informal retreat for Saarc leaders at a resort outside Kathmandu, on the sidelines of a summit that appears to have been derailed by Pakistan’s refusal to endorse agreements backed by India.The report also says that Nawaz Sharif will fly out of Nepal this evening, a little earlier than scheduled. He will miss a banquet and a meeting with the president of Nepal. An Indian government source had earlier said that Prime Minister Modi may hold informal talks with his Pakistani counterpart at the Dhulikel resort in the Himalayan foothills on Thursday morning, although that had remained uncertain.Modi held one-on-one talks with every Saarc leader except Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday, with both sides saying it was up to the other to request a meeting.
