Modi phones Hasina BD, India to work together to boost food production


UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh and India on Wednesday decidedto work together to enhance food production to face the possible food crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Their pledge to work together came when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi phoned Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the afternoon.
During the 12-minute telephonic conversation that started at 5:50pm, both the leaders mentioned that their governments have taken initiatives to boost food production to face the possible food crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic.
PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim told UNB said that both the leaders agreed to work together to this end,if needed.
Sheikh Hasina said various international organisations, including the United Nations, have expressed apprehension that the situation may linger.
“So, all the countries of the region will’ve to work in unison to deal with the situation,” she said.
The two leaders appreciated the steps taken by both the countries to combat the pandemic and reiterated their commitment to work together for this purpose.
Both the leaders also agreed to advance the initiatives that the SARRC countries took to fight the COVID-19 in a videoconference held last month in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
Sheikh Hasina extended thanks to Narendra Modi for sending medicines and other medical equipment to Bangladesh to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Indian Prime Minister phoned Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina around5:50 pmand extended Bangla Nabo Barsho and Ramadan greetings to her and the people of Bangladesh,” Ihsanul Karim said.
“The Bangladesh prime minister also extended Ramzan greetings to Narendra Modi and the people of India,” the press secretary said.
The Indian prime minister paid tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of his birth centenary, he added.
