Lok Sabha poll 2014: Modi is being projected as a magician: Sonia Gandhi


PTI, Karnataka :Training her guns on BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday charged that he was being projected with his “true face” hidden behind a mask and as a “magician” who could cure all ills of the country.Without naming Modi, Gandhi also made a stinging attack on the Gujarat model of development being touted by him, saying some people had the habit of projecting “small things in a big” way as if no good work is happening in other states.”These days you can see all over the country huge and costly advertisements are being showcased and an attempt is being made by them to hide the truth,” the UPA chairperson said at an election rally here.She said, “An attempt is being made to hide the true face of one person with a mask; he is being projected as a cure for all ills and as a magician for the country.”Tearing into the Gujarat model, she said, “Some people have this habit of projecting small things in a big way. These days similar picture is being shown about the development in Gujarat as though no good work is happening in other states.”Gandhi said it was a “different thing altogether” that the poor, downtrodden and minorities had made enough sacrifices for “this development…children are dying of malnutrition in poor man’s house, tribals are facing problems in leading their daily lives.”Charging that farmers’ lands were being forcefully acquired in Gujarat, she said, “If we talk about the condition of women in Gujarat, there are different types of harassment. This is their true picture.”
