Modi govt to be cordial on water issue: BNP


BNP leaders on Friday at a discussion expressed their hopes that the upcoming Indian government led by BJP chief Narendra Modi would be cordial to resolve prevailing water problem between Bangladesh and India. “BNP is not excited or fed up with the victory of Narendra Modi. We won’t compromise sovereignty. We hope that Modi’s government will be cordial to ensure equitable sharing of water with Bangladesh,” BNP Vice-Chairman Maj (Retd) Hafizuddin Ahmed said in the discussion. Swadhinata Forum, a pro-BNP platform, arranged the discussion on “Equitable Water Sharing of Bangladesh: Expectation to Indian Upcoming Government” at the National Press Club in the city. President of the forum Abu Naser Mohammad Rahmatullah presided over the programme while Professor of BRAC University Dr Pias Karim, former President of Supreme Court Bar Association Advocate Joynul Abedin, BNP leaders Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Khairul Kabir Khokan and Advocate Abed Raza addressed it, among others.  Hafizuddin Ahmed accused India of depriving Bangladesh of equitable share of water in 54 common rivers. The neighbouring country is unilaterally controlling the water of transboundary rivers, violating international law and defying Bangladesh’s right, he added.  He asked the neighbouring country to maintain good relationship with Bangladesh through resolving all the problems, particularly the water issue. He hoped that the new Indian government would take initiative in this regard. Criticising the present government for its pro-Indian role, the BNP leader said that the government did not appreciate the people of own country, but to implement the interests of India. The government is not working to ensure the equitable water sharing of common rivers. It is also keeping silence when India is building dams and barrages in the upstream of the common rivers, he alleged. He also criticised the government for its misrule and misdeeds. “No one is safe in the country. Citizens are being killed and abducted everyday,” he said. He urged every one to wage a tougher movement against the government to ensure its downfall. He said that the ruling Awami League would face the fate of the Indian Congress if any election is held in the present time.
