Modern technology use can cut groundwater extraction


BSS, Rajshahi :
Agricultural experts at a meeting have stressed promotion of modern irrigation technologies to minimize the dependence of groundwater in irrigation as it would not hamper crop production in the Barind region.
They told the meeting that Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) has developed various improved water-saving irrigation technologies like alternate furrow and drip-fertigation.
Farmers should be encouraged to use these technologies instead of the conventional ones to lessen the gradually mounting pressure on groundwater resources in the water-stressed barind area, they told at the daylong farmers’ field-day meeting.
Irrigation and Water Management Division in BARI organized the meeting styled “Demonstration of Water-saving Irrigation Technologies in Crop Production at Farmers level” under Groundwater Resource Management Project held at Geolchandpur village under Tanore Upazila in the district on Sunday.
Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC) supported the meeting attended by around 120 grassroots farmers both male and female who were given practical ideas about the technologies and using process.
They were also imparted training on how to enhance crop production through using deficit irrigation side by side with reducing use of water and fertilizer in farming fields.
BARI’s On Farm Research Division (OFRD) is implementing the project in the barind area with the main thrust of familiarizing the farmers with the water-saving irrigation technologies so that they can derive total benefits of those.
BARC Member Dr Sultan Ahmed and its Chief Scientific Officer Dr Nazmun Nahar Karim and Project Consultant Dr Ahmed Ali Hassan addressed the meeting as resource persons while Principal Investigator of the project Sujit Kumar Biswash was in the chair.
