Modern technology helps detect cancer early


Some cancer specialists at a seminar mentioned that epigenetic sequencing nanotechnology can detect all types of cancers early through analyzing DNA and RNA for early recovering the patients sufferings from cancers.
They also opined that the sub-type cancer can be detected through applying this technology and the latest treatment can be made easier in this case.
Department of Oncology of Barind Medical College and Hospital (BMCH) organized the seminar titled “Cancer Detection and Management through Using latest Technology” at its conference hall recently. Xing Cancer Care Australia and ASHRAI, Rajshahi supported the seminar.
During his keynote presentation, Professor Dr Paul Mainwaring, renowned Oncologist and Co-Founder of Xing Cancer Care, Australia, illustrated the aspects of early detection of cancer for early recovery side by side with reducing the rate of mortality.
Cancer claims the lives of millions across the world, and it is no different in Bangladesh, where a large number of people die every year from the deadly disease. However, we can reduce the death rate to some extent through using the latest technology, he added.
