Modern technology can ensure quality fried products

BSS, Rajshahi :
Successful promotion of vacuum frying techniques can be the vital means of boosting quality fried chips processing through maintaining appropriate frying temperature besides value addition of agricultural produce.
Utmost emphasis should be given on creating awareness among the public in general about processing of fried chips from potato, banana, sweet potato, jackfruit, giant taro and carrot after the best uses of technologies.
Agricultural scientists and researchers revealed this while addressing a webinar styled “Vacuum Frying Technology: An Approach to Ensure Quality Fried Products for Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Food Security” on Tuesday evening.
Postharvest Technology Division (PHTD) of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) hosted the virtual workshop in association with National Agriculture Technology Programme (NATP) and Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council (BARC).
About 45 scientists and academics from various government and non-government organizations, universities, agro-processors, entrepreneurs and environmentalists joined the workshop disseminating their expertise on the issue.
Vice-chancellor of German University Bangladesh Prof Shams-Ud-Din addressed the meeting as chief guest, while BARC Member Director Dr Monirul Islam and BARI Director Dr Shamsul Alom spoke as special guests with BARI Director(Research) Dr Miaruddin in the chair.
Prof Shajahan from German University Bangladesh moderated the discussion, while PHTD Chief Scientific Officer Hafizul Haque Khan welcomed the participants.
PHTD Senior Scientific Officer Dr Golam Ferdous Chowdhury gave an illustration of the vacuum frying technology along with its aspects related to quality fried chips processing during his multimedia presentation.
He said vacuum frying is a promising technology that could be an appropriate option to produce fried chips products of agricultural produce with desired quality and secure for consumption.
Dr Ferdous Chowdhury added that the PHTD has developed the device for processing and expanding those at agro-processors, industry people and small and medium entrepreneurs’ level to make sure quality and healthy chips production and marketing.
He underscored the need for jackfruit processing after the best uses of modern technologies to maintain its value and protect from being wastages.
Awareness creation among the stakeholders has become crucial for consumption of quality fried products as vacuum frying technique is used in many countries for manufacturing safe and hygienic potato-based processed foods.
Private sector and food processing industry can utilize the vacuum frying technology for value addition in agricultural products for domestic purposes as well as export in foreign markets.
Prof Shams-Ud-Din urged the stakeholders to manufacture processed foods from potato after the best uses of modern technologies and ideas.
There are enormous scopes of producing varieties of processed foods including chips as huge and surplus potatoes are produced in the region every year for its value addition
Prof Shams mentioned the government support is needed to promote agro-processing technology to produce the safe and nutritional products for the national as well as reducing postharvest losses of agricultural crops.
If the technology were properly disseminated to the stakeholders, it will ensure safety and quality of different fried products, which intern contribute to the national economy of the country.