Moderate showers benefit Boro paddy, other crops cultivation in Sylhet

Sylhet Correspondent :
The moderate shower in different areas of Sylhet region during the last four days has become a boon for different crops, especially the Boro paddy, farmers and officials said. Meanwhile, transplantation of the paddy plants is already complete. However, in some pockets the farmers would transplant paddy till middle March.
As of Monday 472,040 hectares of land against the centrally set target of 456,558 hectares in 4 districts of the division were brought under Boro farming, an official in the DAE, Sylhet divisional office informed.
Of the total 261,522 hectares are in the haor region and the rest 210,518 hectares on the non-haor areas of the division. However, during the last year’s corresponding period, it was 454,953 hectares, the source added.
DAE’s Additional Director of its divisional office Krishna Chandra Hore said the target is already surpassed with the farming season nearing to end. However it would continue in some areas for a couple of weeks.
In line with central directives, the DAE had set programme targeting for producing about 180 million tons of rice this season, the official said.
About 1.18 million farmers are cultivating the crop in Sylhet division this year. It includes, 328,064 in Sylhet, 247,089 in Moulvibazar, 285,225 in Habiganj and 320,845 in Sunamganj.
The recent rainfall would help much for the crops and target of producing 1795,071 metric tons of rice is possible, said the DAE Deputy Director Dr. Mamun Ur Rashid adding, with the increase in irrigation to some new areas were brought under cultivation this year.
It may be stated here, flash floods and excessive rains, alongside rolling waters from Meghalaya and Assam on occasions had destroyed Boro crops worth Tk 12,000 million in the region last year.
The government this year has provided Tk 6.562 million in assistance in seed, fertiliser etc under an incentive programme to 7500 poor and marginal farmers.