Mobile phone companies must make mobile phones safe


STUDY by the US government has revealed the link between mobile phones use and cancer. National Toxicology Program in its study exposed male rats to the type of radio frequencies, which are commonly emitted by mobile phones and contribute to developing cancer cells in brain and heart. The findings of the research, now at the final stage of becoming public made it clear for people to refrain from intensive use of mobile phones. As per experts people can instead use mobile texting and free-hands device to reduce exposure and save them from the dreaded health risk.
Scientists made similar disclosure in a study conducted by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011; which has also highlighted similar risks from intensive use of mobile phones by individuals. It is indeed a severe public health issue but open debate on the health risks and work on creating public awareness remained largely in the backburner because of opposition from organized business. Mobile phone manufacturers and operators are trying to sidetrack it in the fear that such awareness may reduce demand for mobile phones production at serious disadvantage to their industry. They don’t want such open debate to spread and damaging information reaching the public.
Mobile telephones have so important part of our daily life that there is not much for the users to be careful. Still awareness will do good in becoming less dependent on mobile use. That itself is no guarantee against the risk of cancer. But the mobile telephone companies must be asked to make use of their phones safe. They have the resources and access to technology to make it happen.
