Mobile court fines in Bijoynagar


Brahmanbaria, Correspondent :
Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate Rabeya Asfar Saima fined various organizations in different places of Bijoynagar upazila of Brahmanbaria in a mobile court on Wednesday. A mobile court was conducted in Dewan Bazar of Harashpur UP with a combination of different types of timber without approval and license.
The mobile court fined the owners of five saw-mills a total of Rs 32,000 in five cases for conducting unlicensed business during their tenure, and directed them to conduct business in accordance with the law.
He also fined the manager of Islamia filling station in Budhanti Union on November 18 for providing less fuel to the “Islamia filling station” in Budhanti Union and fined him Rs. 30,000. / – fined.
Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate Rabia Asfar Saima warned all concerned that the operation would continue.
