Mobile court drive against Homeo physicians protested

Chittagong Bureau :
The discontentment among the Homeo Physicians prevailing following the conduct of mobile court against the homeo physicians for drug license issue. Mentionable that as per circular of Drug Administration Directorate of 1984 (No.DA/Admn/517/83/944 dt.26/2/84) which published in a national daily on March 3,1984 , it was clearly said the Drug License is not applicable for the Homeo Physicians but the district administration is undergoing mobile court defying the said DA circular . On the other hand DA Directorate has suspended issuing of Drug License to the Allopathic physicians and hence it is totally unjustified to conduct mobile court against the Homeo Physicians , sufferers sources said. In this connection, Combined Homeopathy Samaj submitted a memorandum to the Deputy commissioner of chittagong on Sunday demanding stoppage of conducting mobile court against the Homeo Physicians .Deputy commissioner Mesbahuddin gave patient hearing to the representatives of the Homeopathy Samaj and directed the concerned officials to suspend mobile court drive against Homeo physicians. President of combined Homeopathy Samaj Principal Dr. Abdul Karim, Chittagong district President Dr. Md. Samiuddin, Dr. Debratha Bhattachariya, and Dr. Ismail chowdhury were present during submission of memorandum, a reliable sources said.