MLAR sent to bring back laundered money

Staff Reporter :
Mutual Legal Assistance Request (MLAR) has been sent to several countries by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in order to bring back the money laundered from the country in last few years.
ACC Secretary Mohammad Maksudul Hasan Khan said this at a monthly briefing in the Commission media centre on Thursday.
 “The Commission has geared up its activity to combat the money laundering. We are sending MLAR to different countries. We have already sent MLAR to 14 countries through our Attorney General Office,
seeking information about the siphoning off money”, said the secretary.
 “The ACC is waiting for response from those countries”.
To a question, he said, the team formed to conduct probe into illegally managing freedom fighter certificates by nine officials and employees of the national anti-graft body has been directed to submit its inquiry report in the Commission within a month.
The ACC has a plan to initiate a probe against 16 senior government officials, including secretaries, who allegedly managed freedom fighter certificates though they did not produce it when they joined the service.
He said, the Commission came to know it from media reports. They did it for monetary benefits only by getting their jobs extended.
But the media reports could not carry out sufficient information. He urged the journalists to assist the Commission with information if they have.
On conflict between two Commissioners regarding filing of a graft case against MP Enamul Haque, the secretary denied the report.
When Maksudul Hasan Khan was asked about the progress of bringing back the money laundered by war crimes convicted Mir Kashem Ali, he said, he did not tell anything about this.