MK Anwar passes away

Staff Reporter :
BNP Standing Committee Member and former Minister MK Anwar died around 1:20am on Tuesday at his Elephant Road residence in the city. He was 85.
BNP Chairperson’s media wing member Shamsuddin Didar confirmed it.
He said that the veteran BNP leader had long been suffering from diabetics, heart disease and various old age complications.
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir mourned his death.
In separate condolence messages, they prayed for salvation of the departed soul and conveyed their sympathy to the bereaved family members.
MK Anwar’s first namaj-e-janaza was held at the Katabon Mosque at 10:00am, second one in front of BNP central office around 12:00 PM and third one at South Plaza of the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban at 1:30pm on the day.
Ruling Awami League leaders including Finance Minister AMA Muhith, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, BNP Standing Committee Member Barrister Moudud Ahmed and AL Information and Research Affair Secretary Advocate Afjal Hossain, among others, took part in the Janaja at South Plaza.
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and senior leaders were present in front of Nayapaltan party office.
The body will be kept at mortuary of BIRDEM Hospital.
On Wednesday, the body will be taken to Comilla and his 4th namaj-e-janaza will be held in Titas of Comilla after Zohr prayers and the last one at Homna after Asr prayers. He will be buried in his family graveyard at Homna in Comilla after the return of one of his sons and the only daughter from the USA.
MK Anwar (Muhammad Khorshed Anwar) is survived by two sons and a daughter to mourn his death.
He retired from the government service in 1990 as Cabinet Secretary and joined BNP in 1991 and was elected MP from Comilla’s Homna Constituency several times. He was inducted in the Cabinet twice in 1991 and 2001 when the party came to power.
BNP observed Tuesday as the Mourning Day.
The party hoisted black flags and kept the party flag at half-mast atop its Nayapaltan central office on the occasion. Besides, party leaders and activists wore black badges.  
A condolence book was also opened at the party’s Nayapaltan central office in the morning for party leaders and activists to register their condolence message.
Mirza Fakhrul Islam visited MK Anwar’s residence in the morning and condoled the bereaved family members.