Mizan Malik written song Astha released


Entertainment Report :
Noted journalist, poet and lyricist Mizan Malik’s new song titled Astha, released on August 23, is available on his official YouTube channel.
The song Astha was rendered by Close-up 1 stars Putul and Bhashon while the tune was composed by Zahid Bashar Pankaj.
Earlier, Mizan Malik has written several inspirational songs Prarthona, Aradhona, and Motobad last year during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mizan Malik has made his name through writing various songs sung by renowned singers, including Andrew Kishore, Robi Chowdhury, Momtaz MP, Biplob, Sumon Rahat, Fakir Shahabuddin, Sohel Mehedi, Khaled Munna, Pritom, over the past 15 years. In such a reality, lyricist Mizan Malik wrote the Astha, to tribute the youth. Regarding the song, Mizan Malik said, “Our new generation is spending without having entertainment during the deserted time as if dust has accumulated on their dreams. Basically, I wrote the song to stimulate their morale high. I feel good after a long time singing a song that has a different dimension.”
Astha was released at such a time when the whole world has been crippled immensely by the Covid-19 pandemic, the youth are passing a critical period as the educational institutions are closed, many have left the reading table and picked up the smartphone. Time is passing through a kind of trauma as the youth does not know when the normalcy in life would return, he also said.
