Shortage of doctors, nurses: Mitford Hospital sick

Reza Mahmud :
Dhaka old part’s main health care center Mitford Hospital is facing various problems posing threat to its future medicare services.
It has become unable to render services to the patients due to acute shortages of doctors, nurses and employees.
 “There are huge pressures of patients in our hospital, but hospital itself suffers from acute shortages of doctors, nurses and employees for long,” said Brigadier General Brian Bankim Halder, Director of Sir Salimullah Medical College Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.
He said, there are 500 doctors in the hospital, but the number is not sufficient to meet the patients demand.
The Director said there are 450 nurses’ posts in our hospital, but we have 400 only. The 50 nurses’ posts are vacant for long. The hospital actually needs at least 600 nurses in view of necessity.
The patients do not get proper medical services for want of necessary numbers of nurses.
The hospital authority also said, the shortage of employees’ creates problems.
Apart from these, the lone CT scan machine in the Radiology and Imaging Department of the hospital has been remaining inactive for three months.
But there is little initiative to get it in order for patients’ service.
Replying to a query, the hospital director said, “Any electronic device can be damaged with the passage of time. The CT scan Machine has been out of order for last three months. A new machine will replace it soon. The process is going fast.”
But the patients are suffering more for the lack of the CT scan machine.
Firstly, it is expensive to get service from private hospitals. Secondly it is seriously difficult to go to Dhanmondi to get CT scan services as the roads of the old Dhaka areas are too busy and narrow to get out.
The charge of scanning in the Mitford Hospital is Tk 2000, while it is around 4000 in private hospitals.
Bimol Shil, a barber from a Lalbagh saloon,
who suffered brain haemorrhage in an accident, recently shared his sufferings in this regards.
 “After the accident in a nearby road, my colleagues had taken me to Mitford Hospital. But Doctor suggested me to take a CT scan image quickly. But the machine of the hospital was out of order,” he said.
The patient said, “It was a horrible situation for me because there is no such machine in any nearby hospital. Then my relatives managed to take me in a Dhanmondi hospital, but that took huge time and money.”
Like him many other patients are suffering everyday and requesting the government to meet the hospital’s needs with sufficient equipment and man powers like physicians, nurses and other employees.