Mission in Seoul enters agreement with George Mason’s Korea campus

UNB, Dhaka :
The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Seoul and the George Mason University Korea have signed a memorandum of cooperation.
The signing ceremony was held onon Thursday at the George Mason University Korea.
Bangladesh Ambassador to South Korea Abida Islam and the Campus Dean of the George Mason University Korea Dr Robert Matz signed the instrument on behalf of the respective institutions that aims to constitute a collaborative relationship and extend educational opportunities for Bangladeshi students intends to study at Mason Korea.
The partnership between the Embassy and the University under this instrument includes- exchange of educational materials and information, joint efforts to popularize academic opportunities of Mason Korea in Bangladesh, recommendation of scholarships for the eligible students etc.
The MoC will take effect from the date of signature and shall become effective for three years.
Under this instrument, the University will also offer scholarships to the qualified students referred by the Embassy and the eligible Bangladeshi students may receive a scholarship of up to 50% reduction in tuition fees for a maximum of six years.
In the George Mason University Korea, Bangladeshi students will have the opportunity to receive the same academic degree and attend similar programs designed for its students in the main campus.
The media of instruction at George Mason University Korea will be English.
Moreover, the students will have the opportunity of spending part of their academic years in the main campus in Virginia, USA.
George Mason University is an educational institution and agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia with headquarters in Virginia, the USA. It operates a branch campus in Incheon, Republic of Korea.