Miss you, Bangladesh…

Rifky Mohideen :
 ‘Ami Banladeshke Bhalobahsi’ Yes, I love Bangladesh. I am Rifky Mohideen from Sri Lanka, currently studying Higher National Diploma in Information Technology at Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education. I was introduced to the society through the famous organization called people’s union for social welfare (PUSW). I am an organizer of district federation of youth clubs of Sri Lanka and I have done many programmes and activities through these clubs. And I am providing the best services to youths who don’t have any idea to bring their abilities out from them, by joining social related organizations. And I am an active member of Human Rights Organization Sri Lanka for eastern province. I was a candidate for youth parliament election last year.
From my childhood I was eager to visit foreign countries to see their cultures and behaving of their people and historical places and liked to meet members of youth clubs. Unfortunately, this dream didn’t come true because of financial situation of my family. Fortunately, I got the chance to visit Bangladesh under the Bangladesh- Sri Lanka Youth Exchange Program 2017 from 21 to 28 November 2018 at the green campus of Daffodil International University. That was my first trip to a foreign county in my life.
I was selected to this trip by finding me as the best activist of youth clubs, they had examined my past activities to youths of my district. As an organizer of youth clubs for my district, I could have worked very hard to achieve their and my targets. So they have found me to visit Bangladesh to observe activities of their youths, cultures of different people and to meet youth from different environment. I am hopefully thinking that this trip would help me to lead youths from my country.
I am embarrassed to say that I had ignorant view on people of Bangladesh mostly and I have heard that people from Bangladesh have lack of knowledge; I was thinking that they are living in mud houses and I thought Bangladesh is not developed country. After I visited, I really admired and I was really ashamed thinking of my thoughts about the country but it is very clean and looked they are developing each and every sector day by day. It’s very beautiful country and I could see many tourists.
Actually we were received by Daffodil International University at the airport and they took us to university and provided food and accommodation and also they arranged all the programmes and lectures. The students of Daffodil International University are very kind hearted, friendly and supportive in all aspects. Not only The lectures also vice chancellor of the university was also very friendly and gave us amazing respects as a young delegate of Sri Lanka. We all were impressed by seeing their wonderful hospitality and kindness.
I must tell something about lovely people of Bangladesh are very kind hearted and the most memorable thing about Bangladeshi is the hospitable People. I can surly say that the People of Bangladesh are the Friendliest in the world. Even though Bangladesh has had a tough time over the past few decades with a major war, numerous natural disasters and ongoing political issues being the main causes, but the people are welcoming and happy and above all they are genuine in their friendliness. You rarely get the impression that they want anything more than to say hello. With our group I visited
The National Martyrs’ Memorial when I studied about the struggle of the mother nation and her children to get independence from foreign military rule. Though it is built in 1971, it has got reorganization by many National and international archaeological surveys. It was a highly recommended place to visit and see the artefact that narrates the true story of the toil which Bangladesh had to face during the liberation war with Pakistan.
And I visited national museum of Bangladesh I could see their ancient heritage of the country and The museum is well organized and displays have been housed chronologically in several departments like department of ethnography and decorative art, department of history and classical art, department of natural history, and department of contemporary and world civilization.
I visited Yunus Centre was established by the winner of Noble in 2006 Professor Yunus and its main activities are related to social business, working in the field of poverty alleviation and sustainability. I wondered after hearing that this Centre is working to promote the United Nations Millennium development goals in Bangladesh and all around the world and is especially committed for making Bangladesh free of poverty by 2030.
Daffodil International University has been built to provide good environment to their students for encouraging study, they are offering scholarship for abroad and local students so it is good opportunity to continue higher education in this famous university where around twenty-two thousand students studying from inside the country and abroad.
So I could meet students from many countries. Many programmes were contacted by their lectures and specially Vice Chancellor Yousuf M. Islam Ph.D conducted session on psychology and life as it made me thoughtful about the question WHO AM I? The first programme was Social business programme conducted by the programme officer of Yunus Centre, was very effective and most useful and I could study many new things. They lectured that how to eradicate poverty from the world and gave some ideas to apply to my country.
We played friendly cricket match between Bangladesh and Sri Lankan students and that was very joyful and interesting. It could help us to understand each other. Entire programmes were fantastic and were arranged very well, I participated interview on campus TV that was my first TV interview in my life and I could not forget experience that I got from it.
I still miss the people of Bangladesh, if I have a chance to study in the Daffodil International University I will definitely be there. Thank you Daffodil, thank you Bangladesh!