Miscreants smash road plaque named after Birpratik Col. Safiq Ullah


Our Correspondent :
The 21 km road from Madhaiya bus station in Chandinaupazila of Comilla to Rahimnagar in Chandpur district was named after the gallantry freedom fighter BirpratikColonel (Retd.) Md. SafiqUllah. But very recently extreme hostility has started with naming the road after a heroic soldier of the great liberation war of Bangladesh. One by one, all the nameplates built with the funding of the District Council are being demolished.In the darkness of the night, an insidious vested quarter is breaking those road signs named after the best child of the nation. For this, freedom fightersof that locality expressed deep concern with extreme anger.
It is found that miscreants smashed a plaque near KailainMinabari in Joag Union of ChandinaUpazila and another plaque in Amalki area of the same union on Thursday night. In the meantime, they completely smashed the plaque in Amalki area and broke one part of the other. In this case, Freedom FighterSafiqUllah’s nephew Prof.Parvez Mia over phone lodged a verbal complaint with ChandinaUpazilaNirbahi Officer (UNO) and Chandina Police Station OC.
Earlier on February 22, miscreants smashed another plaque in Madhaiya bus station area. Shahen Shah Mia, another nephew of Bir Pratik SafiqUllah, filed a general diary at Chandina police station.
Prof. Parvez said Colonel (Retd.) SafiqUllah, a resident of KailainMinabari in Joag Union of ChandinaUpazila, was awarded the title of Birpratik for his heroic role during the Great Liberation War as the Commander of the 5th Guerrilla Force of Sector E Company. He later retired as a Colonel after joining the Bangladesh Army as a commissioned officer.
He said, after the death of BirpratikColonel (retd) Md. SafiqUllahon March 31, 2008, in presence of prominent people of greater Comilla and freedom fighters at his memorial meeting in Kailain village, the road connecting Madhapur-Rahimanagar on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway with Chandpur district was proposed to be named after BirpratikColonel (retd) Md. SafiqUllah.
Meanwhile, hearing the news of destroying the road plaque inscribed with the name of a war hero, freedom fighters of Chandina Upazila expressed their utter discontent. Wartime Commander of theUpazilaBirMuktijoddhaMohiuddin Mia lamented that anti-independence activists are still active. I proposed to name the road in honour of Colonel (Retd.) SafiqUllah, Birpratik. Now the anti-independence activists are breaking those plaques,which is insulting to all freedom fighters.
