Enmity following village rivalry: Miscreants set 2,000 plants of two nurseries on fire in Jhenaidah


Jhenaidah Correspondent :
Some miscreants on Thursday night set 2,000 plants of two nurseries at Chandipur village in Sailkupa upazila of Jhenaidah fire . The affected farmers have filed allegation with Sailkupa Police Station in this connection.
One of the affected farmers Golam Sarwar said, he along with his brother Sarifiul were developing nursery in the village for past couple of years. At least 2,000 saplings were transplanted at the plots which were growing faster.
Following the village enmity some miscreants set the nurseries of fire in the night of Thursday led all the plants burnt. The figure of loss might be at least taka 10 lakh he said.
When contacted, Sailkupa police station officer in charge Tarikul Islam said, they received a copy of allegation. The police with go for action after an investigation, OC said.
