Khaleda is ill: Mirza Fakhrul warns govt

Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday warned that the government will have to take responsibility if any harm is caused to the party Chairperson Khaleda Zia in jail.
“Khaleda Zia has been kept in an abandoned house,” Fakhrul said.
The BNP Secretary General was talking with reporters after a meeting with the party’s top leaders

 at party chairperson’s Gulshan office last night.
“Khaleda Zia is ill. She needs treatment. The government will be held responsible if any harm is caused to her,” he said urging the government to immediately provide all facilities to Khaleda according to the jail code.
Fakhrul also called upon his party men to continue the movement in a peaceful manner until the release of Khaleda Zia.
Earlier, Fakhrul held a meeting with BNP standing committee members, vice chairmen and Khaleda Zia’s advisors to discuss the party’s next course of action following the verdict against Khaleda Zia in connection Zia Orphanage Trust graft case.
During the meeting, BNP Senior Vice Chairman Tarique Rahman made a video call, Fakhrul said.
Earlier, BNP leader Barrister Moudud Ahmed claimed that Khaleda Zia has been kept in a “worn-out prison cell” in Old Central Jail in Dhaka.
