Minor girl shot dead by robbers


UNB, Chittagong :
A gang of robbers shot a minor girl to death at her residence at Charandeep Pathan Para in Boalkhali upazila early Monday.
The deceased was identified as Shamima Akhter, 6, daughter of Abu Taher.
Assistant police super Tariqul Islam of Patia circle said a gang of robbers stormed into the house of Taher around 2 am and opened fire to create panic, leaving Shamima and her grandmother Fatema Begum,58, injured with bullets.
Later, the robbers looted two totals gold and Tk 5,000-6,000 in cash from the house and fled the spot.
Critically injured Shamima was rushed to Chittagong medical College Hospital (CMCH) where doctors declared her dead. Injured Fatema was shifted to CMCH from Boalkhali Upazila Health Complex as her condition deteriorated.
