Minor boy electrocuted in Chandpur

Chandpur Correspondent :
A minor died after he was electrocuted in the garden of Md Kabir Mia at Charbari in Toraghar area at Hajiganj Upazila Sadar on Monday .
The deceased minor , identified as Rakib Hossain, 12, a sixth grader of a local school is the only son of Misir Ali of the same area at Toraghar in Hajiganj Upazila Sadar. While Rakib went to the garden today Monday, he was electrocuted. Hearing his shouts, he was rescued and at once taken to the local Upazila Health Complex but the on duty doctor, after examining him properly, announced him dead.
It was learnt from the locals and Hajiganj Thana Police source that the garden garden owner- Kabir’s mother deliberately electrified some parts of the garden and pond- banks to prevent the frequent pilferage of papya, banana, coconuts etc from the garden and fishes from the pond where fishes ofvarious species are cultivated. But unaware of electric connections, small Rakib went to the garden and was seriously injured by electric shock. Later he died on the way to hospital. Hajiganj Thana.
Police Sub Inspector Suman visited the spot and confirmed the news.
