Ministries take separate steps to attain SDGs


Economic Reporter :
Different ministries of the government have undertaken separate steps to attain 17 targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) declared by the United Nations (UN) to build a hunger and poverty-fee world.
Bangladesh Planning Commission has already finalized the draft of a strategy paper regarding implementation of the SDGs.
A high-level workshop will be held in the city on September 29 over the implementation of SDGs.
Discussions will be held in the workshop about the action plan to achieve 17 targets of the SDGs, an official of water resources ministry said.
Water Resources Ministry Additional Secretary M Humayun Kabir told the New Nation that their minister will work as the lead ministry to attain goal No 6 of the SDGs. This ministry has already formed six subgroups under six agencies to implement this goal. These groups have already held workshops on action plans to attain SDGs, he added.
Humayun Kabir observed that all the ministries would be able to work as per their respective initiatives after the approval of the final strategy paper to attain SDGs.
Textiles and Jute Ministry Additional Secretary Nazrul Islam said his ministry is working as an associate again seven goals of the SDGs.
This ministry will determine its course of action in this regard following the approval of the SDG implementation strategy paper, he added. Labour and Employment Ministry Planning Division Deputy Chief Jakir Hossain said this ministry will work as the lead ministry for attain target No 8 of the SDGs.
This ministry has already held a workshop and will organize another workshop soon to determine actions plans, he added.
SDGs have been formulated giving priority to improving the fate of 100 crore poor people across the world as the eight main targets of UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were not attained.
Currently the average daily income of these 100 crore people is US$ 1.25 only.
The 17 targets of SDGs include poverty alleviation, eradication of hunger and ensuring health, education, gender equity, safe water and sanitation, sustainable energy, employment for all, improved infrastructures, sustainable towns and communities, responsible use of assets, tackling climate change, preservation of seas and land and establishing peace and justice.
