Ministers asked to visit constituencies

PM's directives to boost party activities, resist terrorism


SM Mizanur Rahman :
In the wake of increased violence, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has asked the Cabinet ministers to visit to their respective constituencies with a view to boosting party’s organisational activities as well as to protect lives and properties of the people.  
She also asked them to gear up organisational activities at the grassroots and enhance people’s courage to resist what she termed the ‘BNP-Jamaat sponsored countrywide hooliganism’.
 “The Prime Minister has asked all of us to go to our respective constituencies and work for maintaining the law and order with the help of the people. We have also been asked to gear up the party’s organisational activities,” a minister who attended the Monday’s Cabinet meeting said.
Talking to The New Nation on Tuesday, Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor and Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, also the Awami League President, asked them to maintain strong ties with the people of their own constituencies through regular visits.
The Prime Minister also asked her Cabinet colleagues to engage their all-out efforts for saving the lives and properties of the people from the destructive politics of BNP-Jamaat alliance, they added.
They said that as the 20-party alliance unleashed a reign of terror throughout the country in the name of hartal and blockade, the Cabinet members have been asked to resist them with iron hand.  
Many Cabinet members have already visited their respective constituencies, they added.
 “The local trained terrorists in collaboration with the international terrorist groups are now engaged in launching attacks on civilians in a bid to make the country unstable,” Asaduzzaman Noor said.
Replying to a query whether the ministers apprehend terror attacks on them, he said, “No minister is safe under the present circumstances.”
 “We may come under terror attack at anytime. Apart from minister, none is safe under the present circumstance. The ministers may come under attack as targeted persons,” Noor said.
He added that the present style of petrol bomb and arson attack now being launched on passenger buses, goods laden trucks and train is different.
 “But, the target of the terrorist groups is the same. Their target is nothing but to achieve their designed goal,” the Minister said.
Noor said, as per PM’s directive he is almost frequently visiting his constituency to mobilise people’s support against the ongoing violence engineered by the 20-party alliance.
 “Apart from a Cabinet member, as a lawmaker I always visit my own constituency to interact with local people,” he said.
When asked about killing of five persons and injuries to several others in an attack on his motorcade in Ramganj Bazar area of Nilphamari on December 13, 2013, Asaduzzaman Noor said that was a targeted attack.
 “And such attack can be taken place anytime anywhere,” he said.
Shajahan Khan said most of the ministers are frequently visiting their respective constituencies as per the directives of the Prime Minister. “As the Prime Minister issued order, I’m working in my own constituency to rejuvenate the party’s organisational activities. Simultaneously, our leaders and workers remain alert against the BNP-Jamaat alliance’s hooliganism,” he added.
When asked whether he feels insecure, the Shipping Minister said, the terrorists in the name of blockade and hartal may launch attack anytime on Ministers as well as common people.
 “It is very clear that the terrorists may launch attack on me. But we don’t care, as we are committed to root out terrorism from the soil of the country,” he said.
Shajahan Khan added at least 11 people were injured on February 17 when several crude bombs were detonated at a protest march led by him towards the BNP Chairperson’s office.
Meanwhile, several media reports yesterday said that the Prime Minister had advised the Ministers and State Ministers to move with cautious. Leaders and workers of the party have also been asked to move carefully as, she said, the BNP-Jamaat has launched a reign of terror across the country.
