Commentary: Minister is smelling conspiracy: We are smelling disaster


Not just any prominent minister of the government but most of us smell a nasty smell of conspiracy in our politics. Otherwise, why should we not be able to solve our problem ourselves when the country is going through unmanageable national miseries.They say conspiracy, like misfortune never comes alone. Or conspiracy is met by counter conspiracy. The Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed finds international conspiracy behind BNP’s current movement. So it is important for the minister to know as to how and where the other side of the conspiracy began. To deprive people of their right to have an elected government of their own cannot just be an internal conspiracy as because it is a humiliation for everyone in the country.But our fear is that violence will continue — BNP or no BNP — if no political solution is sought. Because violence does not need responsible leadership.It surprises everybody why we cannot seek election to have a people’s government. Why such an easy solution cannot be pursued for peace and good for governance?It is also a puzzle why we have to hear that the people of Bangladesh will have to give up democracy to choose development politics from individuals who are nobody in public eye. Those who say this do not sound like our people. That amounts to denying our people’s whole sacrifices for democracy. The question that should be most pertinently asked is whose conspiracy could be there for inflicting such long-term damage to our national economy and national unity. The question should also be asked to find an answer by every patriot.We have been reminding everybody consistently for years together that the farcical election of sharing power in turn between the two lady leaders for money making business of the organized ones and offering the people failed governments through a system that had no respect for democratic institutions or values will destroy the election system as well.In the process, we have developed two most powerful groups of self-seekers who are nothing but businessmen and they will do everything to see that they are not in trouble for introducing the people’s politics.The lucky party leaders not being foresighted remained happy in the luxury of power did not care to know the consequences towards which the country has been going. The democratic Constitution became the first casualty. Still no leader cared to see it as a loss of our achievement in the Liberation WarNow a disaster has struck us. The government is scared to face an honest election. The political leaders do not know politics of dialogue among themselves for their own good. The need for building trust and confidence for finding a safe way out is also unknown to them. This is not the politics we fought for.That is called arrogance of power or can also be best called political cancer in our politics. Good politics is judged by the humility of success and love for the people. The new language of poetics is force and plunder.We can hope and trust that the leaders will be able to save the country from the impending catastrophe. But to believe it possible is a near deception. The government is now rigidly relying on the strength of police power.The Awami League people have forgotten what their founder Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy said about conspiratorial politics. He affirmed his faith in people’s power. The country belongs to the people and it cannot be safe to flout public wishes to cling to power safely. It is wrong to think that countrywide violence is fomented and sustained by BNP and Jamaat alone. That should have made the government popular for seeking mid-term election. But the government is not ready even to consider the possibly of a free election. The government knows for a fact that some persons took a long time to plan for remaining in power by avoiding meaningful election.The government wants to convince that it needs to fight terrorism. To have any truth in such a claim the government should be more anxious to seek electoral mandate by holding a free election. That would have strengthened the government’s fight against terrorism. Power that is gained through conspiracy has a peculiar way of slipping through conspiracy. The safety of police power without public support is very tenuous. For democracy or not there will be power struggle — more vicious and more conspiratorial.We cannot logically deny the existence of counter conspiracy when the country is dangerously in a chaotic situation amidst force being deployed freely and the voice of people is not counted. In fact, we are worried about the game of conspiracies being played from outside. As if we got rid of one kind of occupation to be replaced by another.
