Minister Group distributes food, iftar items among poor people


Business Desk :
During this ongoing Corona (Covid-19) pandemic Minister Group has distributed food, iftar items, and masks among thousands of poor and distressed families in Chuadanga on the occasion of the holy month of Ramzan.
Due to the increase of corona-affected people, the government has announced a lockdown across the country. It is difficult for financially unprivileged families to manage food during the lockdown. So, Minister Group has taken this initiative to help these distressed people during their hard times, said a press release.
It is also very important to use a mask to prevent corona. During this time free masks were distributed among the poor, destitute, and low-income people who were produced by the Minister Group.
In this regard, the Chairman of Minister Group MA Razzak Khan Raj said, “Minister is a brand that belongs to people. We always want to be engaged in serving the people of the country and Minister just not focus only on its business but also it works for the betterment of the people of the country. “
