Inferior French wheat: Minister again shifts responsibility to Food Directorate


Hot on the heels of the controversial import of ‘sub-standard’ wheat from Brazil, the Food Ministry has run into
further trouble for importing another batch of ‘inferior’ quality wheat from France spending Tk 200 crore.
The unloading of the over 200,000 tonnes of wheat from four ships docked at Chittagong Port has run into a snag, as the Directorate of Food is refusing to accept the shipment on grounds of its ‘very poor quality’..
The four ships carrying the wheat consignment have been waiting for clearance to unload their cargo in the outer anchorage of Chittagong and Kutubdia port.
Contacted, Food Minister Quamrul Islam declined to make any comment over the issue, only advising to talk to the Food Directorate. Ilahi Dad Khan, director (procurement) at the Food Directorate told UNB that they floated an international tender for the import of 154,000 tonnes of wheat last March.
Later, the government reached an agreement with two bidders-Phoenix International and the Netherlands’ Glencore Grain to procure the wheat from France and Romania.
Khan said each tonne of the Romanian wheat was bought at $250, while the 52,000 tonnes of French wheat cost Tk 100 crore.
He also said the FD floated another international tender in April for the import of 50,000 tonnes and later signed an agreement with Phoenix International to procure the food grains at around Tk 100 crore.
Sources at the Chittagong Port said Phoenix International through its local agent Phoenix Commodities brought 52,000 tonnes wheat from Romania in a ship, MV Jin Yao, on June 26. The same company also brought 50,000 tonnes wheat from France in MV Western Texas in July.
Besides, Glencore Grain through its local agent Impex Consultant brought 52,000 tones wheat from Romania in MV Spar Canis on July 9. It also brought 50,000 tonnes from French in MV Pintail on June 2. Litmond Shipping Limited and Uniship International Ltd are the two local
