Mini-sub completes search mission

BBC Online :
A mini-submarine searching for the missing Malaysian plane has completed a full mission at its third attempt.
Two previous missions to scour the floor of the Indian Ocean for wreckage were cut short by technical problems.
The data from the sub’s latest mission is being analysed. Previous forays have not shown anything significant.
It is searching in the area acoustic signals thought to be from the missing plane’s “black box” flight recorders were heard.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared on 8 March as it flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
Using satellite data, officials have concluded that it ended its journey in seas west of the Australian city of Perth.
They do not know why the plane flew so far off course and an investigation is ongoing. Finding the plane’s flight recorders are seen as key to understanding what happened.
The Bluefin-21, operated by the US Navy off the Australian vessel Ocean Shield, is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that can identify objects by creating a sonar map of the sea floor.