Million Syria refugees registered in Lebanon: UN


BBC Online :
The number of refugees who have fled Syria and registered in Lebanon has surpassed the “devastating milestone” of one million, the UN says.
Lebanon now has “the highest per capita concentration of refugees worldwide”, said the head of the UN refugee agency. “For Lebanon, a small nation beset by internal difficulties, the impact is staggering,” he added.
About 9.5 million people, almost half of Syria’s population, have fled their homes since the start of the conflict.
More than 2.5 million have fled the country, with large numbers being taken in by Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and others.
However Lebanon is bearing the biggest burden of all – the number of Syrian refugees there now amount to a quarter of the local population.
Everybody knows that the real number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon is already well past the million mark, but the fact that that many have now been officially registered is yet another grim milestone as the conflict grinds on.
Lebanon’s the smallest and most vulnerable of Syria’s neighbours, yet it’s taken in by far the largest number of refugees – one for every four of the country’s own people.
