Milk consumption can eradicate malnutrition problems

City Desk :
Livestock experts at a post-rally discussion unequivocally called for boosting milk production and its consumption to eradicate the malnutrition problems particularly among the poor and distressed children.
Highlighting the enormous aspects of milk to the nation-building process they mentioned that milk consumption is very important for both physical and mental development of the children. So, utmost emphasis should be given on ensuring fair price of milk and its safe supply.
Protein is the vital nutrition for normal growth and development of brain and other essential nourishments of human body while livestock is the pivotal source of nutrition.
Divisional Office of Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Rajshahi organized the discussion at its office conference hall to mark the ‘World Milk Day- 2017’. “Raise a glass” was the main theme of the discussion.
Deputy Director of Regional Poultry Farm Sabbir Ahmed addressed the meeting as the chief guest with Divisional Deputy Director of DLS Dr Rezaul Islam in the chair.
Divisional Assistant Director Mosharraf Hossain, District Livestock Officer Nizam Uddin, Additional District Livestock Officer Zulfiker Akhter Hossain, Upazila Livestock Officer Ismail Haque and dairy farmer Fazley Rabbi also spoke.
During his keynote presentation, Dr Saiful Islam, Upazila Livestock Officer, highlighted the importance and significance of the day besides giving an overview of milk production in the division.
He mentioned that large-scale promotion of the livestock sector is very important to remove the existing protein deficiency alongside ensuring food security.
Besides meeting up the nutritional deficit especially meat and milk, the livestock sector has laudable contribution to enrich the soil nutrient, which is being declined gradually due to indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and harmful pesticides.
Dr Saiful Islam said most of the people suffer from malnutrition specially lacking of animal protein like milk, meat and egg.
He revealed that production of huge amount of meat through the indigenous beef-cattle improvement would supply low cost meat for people and it will ultimately protect them from malnutrition.