Migrants face 13 major barriers to get justice: ILO

BSS, Dhaka :
Migrants workers from Southeast Asian countries, including Bangladesh are facing as much as 13 major barriers to get justice, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) finds in a report.
The report released for the ‘World Day against Trafficking in Persons’ being observed across the world on Saturday.
According to the report titled “Access to justice for migrant workers in South-East Asia”, the hurdles include lack of written evidence, high cost of legal assistance, slow legal process, fear of retaliation, discriminatory attitudes, unclear statutory responsibility, language barriers, irregular legal status, employer-tide visas and work permits, restriction of movement, lack of coverage by labour law, non-functional complaint mechanism and lack of information about rights.
Referring to the employer-tide visas and work permits, the report mentioned an evidence of 900 migrant workers who went to Malaysia from Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan and lost their jobs without notice when a furniture company was shut down due to insolvency.
“As the workers’ immigration status was tied to their work permit – which did not allow them to transfer to another employer – they were in a very difficult and uncertain situation”, the report said.