Microsoft Service Engineer Dev Prog launched

Participants at the general meeting of the newly formed Jhenidah Journalists Forum at its temporary office in the city's Purana Palton on Thursday.
Participants at the general meeting of the newly formed Jhenidah Journalists Forum at its temporary office in the city's Purana Palton on Thursday.
City Desk :
The Center for Research and Information and its youths led platform Young Bangla has rolled out a comprehensive initiative titled “Microsoft Service Engineer Development”.
The scheme, the first of its kind in the country, aims at reaching out the youths at grass-root and creating a skilled workforce around the country.
Experts from Microsoft will provide those young minds with soft skill training, enhance their knowledge and make them competitive for the world.
As part of that initiative, a workshop was held at the Feni Government College on March 24.
The event drew a spontaneous participation from a diversified youth group, numbered around 50, comprising college goers, university students and young professionals.
Akhter Hossain Ovi, Microsoft Student Partner, presided over the event while, Nadim Mirza coordinator of Young Bangla Feni Zila unit, was responsible for the overall coordination.
The workshop shed light on basic computing skills, along with the necessary operating skills while lessons were given as regards solution to some less know but frequently appeared problems.