MHS Mills counts Tk21.5cr loss due to fire incidents


Business Desk :
Frequent fire incidents in Mozaffar Hossain Spinning Mills has led the factory into a total loss of Tk21.5 crore.
In the last four months, three fire accidents occurred in the 21-year-old factory. The latest of the fire incident took place on 26 February in its new spinning warehouse causing a loss of Tk15 crore.
The new unit came into operation in January. The installed capacity of its spinning was 20,000 kilograms a day, said Haris Alam, company secretary of Mozaffar Hossain Spinning Mills. Haris told that, “The firm has been running since 2000. The age of its spinning section is around 12 years, which is running without any hazards for a long time.”
“Spinning processing is very risky. We are very careful about it. However, any accident is not desirable.” About the latest fire incident, he said, “There was no electric connection at the place of the fire. We don’t know how it happened. “
The latest fire at the new spinning warehouse (ring unit) brought an approximate loss of Tk15 crore, the company said in a statement on Sunday, adding that it took 6-7 hours to douse the flame.
