‘MH370 was no accident’?


Mail Online :
The disappearance of MH370 has been described as ‘deliberate’ and ‘calculated’ in the latest book to be published on the tragedy. New Zealand authors Ewan Wilson, a commercial pilot and Hamilton City Councillor, and Waikato Times journalist Geoff Taylor, said they used a process of elimination to lead readers to the revelation that the tragedy was no accident.
Wilson told stuff.co.nz that the conclusion of Good Night Malaysian 370: The truth behind the loss of Flight 370 will shock the travelling public.
Ewan Wilson (left) and Geoff Taylor (right) claim their book about the missing MH370 plane will shock the public
‘For the first time we present a detailed analysis of the flight, the incredible route it took, and who we believe was in charge of the aircraft as it plunged into
the Indian Ocean,’ Wilson said. The book begins at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on March 8 and weaves in the lives of the 239 passengers and crew on board what was meant to be a short flight to Beijing.
Wilson, a former CEO of two airlines and with qualifications in transport safety investigations, said the men investigated each piece of evidence and eliminated all the possible scenarios until the reader is left with ‘one shocking and unbelievable conclusion’.
‘The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 captured the world’s attention and shocked everyone – [the outcome] is gut-wrenching,’ he said.
