Meta partners with BRAC to empower Bangladeshi women, youth online


Meta, formerly known as the Facebook Company, has partnered with BRAC to empower Bangladeshi women and youth on digital platforms.
A skills development program has been launched in its first phase to train 1,000 frontline staff of BRAC who will then upskill 300,000 BRAC program beneficiaries.
The initiative will also equip 60 Youth Ambassadors from BRAC’s Amra Notun Network to engage 1,200 young people to become more aware digital citizens, said a media release on Wednesday.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused people around the world to depend on the internet more than ever. There has been a steep rise in internet use among women and young people in Bangladesh.
The country is also experiencing a parallel increase in cybercrime and online bullying.
Meta will work with BRAC to upskill women and youth with the information, tools and resources they need to have a positive experience online.
This includes a social media campaign to increase awareness among Bangladeshis about the digital landscape.
Sabhanaz Rashid Diya, who leads Public Policy for Bangladesh at Meta, said they know that the digital landscape is changing and transforming rapidly.
“In order for women and youth to have positive experiences online, they require the tools and knowledge to be able to do so.
