Message of His Excellency the Ambassador

Essa bin Yousef Al Duhailan
Essa bin Yousef Al Duhailan

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim :
(In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.)
All praise is due to Allah and blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his virtuous family and bright fortunate companions.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
I would like to welcome you in this heartfelt beloved day which comes to us every year as commemoration of national day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to recall the first important historical event, a day engraved in the memory of history and sculptured in the mind and soul of Saudi citizen. In this day, King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdur Rahman Al-Saud – May Allah make his grave peaceful, unified this great territory after it was scattered and changed the division and enmity to unity, fusion and integration. Our country celebrating this perfumed day (anniversary of 91st National Day). This is everlasting event and glorious occasion, in which the generations can understand all values, comprehensions, sacrifices and tremendous efforts, which accompanied the building of this gigantic territory. We are celebrating this day to express our love and regards which is hidden in our hearts for this blessed land and for those personalities to whom goes the credit after Almighty Allah, for the bounty of welfare and stability which our country is enjoying.
In few years, the Kingdom witnessed the unprecedented civilizational leaps in all sectors. The achievements of this country in the economic, educational and security fields are beyond measure and not easy to describe, so it has become example for stability, prosperity and development in its regional circumference. The Kingdom’s vision 2030 is a comprehensive vision for all aspects of life, and enters into very precise details about the future of the country from economic, educational, social, cultural and civilizational aspects. This vision wisely and intelligently illustrates the necessity of citizen’s contribution and their interaction with this vision of this blessed country under the righteous leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince – May Allah protect them. It is difficult to complete the description of vision of the Kingdom 2030 in few lines, because this vision includes many thoughts, projects, initiatives, shining and deep sights for future as well as great ambition towards inclusive and sustainable development, as it has been planned by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz – May Allah protect him and his good government.
In this precious occasion, it is worthy of mention to all of us the great services of the Kingdom for Arabic and Islamic nation. This land is the place of descent of revelation, beginning of message of Allah and the Qiblah of Muslims. From the very beginning of establishment of this state it has given great importance and attention to Islam and Muslims. So it has established many Mosques in all corners of the world, beginning from the extension works of Two Holy Mosques. During the reign of Saudi dynasty, these Two Holy Mosques have witnessed biggest extension works in comparison with the all previous eras. So the performing Hajj has become very easy after it was very difficult and the Two Holy Mosques are pride of every Muslim. Their good intentions, eagerness and providing all means of comfort, have made the performance of Hajj of pilgrims and visitors of the Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon Him) convenient. They have used all potentialities of this country for their service wholeheartedly, which has been witnessed by farers and nearers. Then it has started to print the Book of Allah (The Holy Quran) for distribution millions of its copy and with the translation of its meanings into various languages, for being accessible to every Muslim whatever be his language and place.
The Saudi-Bangladesh relation is deep rooted and excellent which is standing on strong foundation of religious, cultural and humanitarian ties. Saudi Arabia accustomed with standing beside Bangladesh and always helping it, especially in the time of hardship. The Bangladeshi nation, the lover of Islamic religion also gives great importance to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in recognition of its helps extended to them to improve the living standards and achieving the social and economic development of the country. On the other hand, huge numbers of Bangladeshi are working in deferent sectors in the Kingdom which is recognized as the greatest labor market in the world. More than (03) billion US Dollars has come from Bangladeshi workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom has a great contribution to betterment of the living standards of all people of this country. There are many districts of Bangladesh situating on the costal areas. These areas are facing every year the natural disasters, floods and cyclones. The Kingdom is recognized as leading country which always extends its hand for cooperation and help Bangladesh whenever it afflicted by disasters.
The Kingdom has provided Bangladesh with huge relief assistances and donations amounting near about (150) million US Dollars for flood and cyclone “Sidr” effected peoples of Bangladesh in 2007. Such as the Kingdom has given its assistance for financing the deferent projects, like building the houses, schools, Mosques, orphanages and shelter homes for the protection from natural disasters, as well as establishing hospitals, bridges, electric power plants. The Saudi-Bangladesh relations witnessed more strength after the visit of Her Excellency the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina to the Kingdom in 2016 and meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, as well as frequent high-level visits by a number of Bangladeshi officials to Bangladesh.
What is said in the above about the everlasting memorable deeds are merely some luminous glimpses and profiles from the journey of this lofty land. While I avail this precious occasion to congratulate our country along with its leaders and peoples, pray to almighty Allah to safe this benevolent homeland Who enabled us to belong to it, and may bestow it more bounties and arrange righteous leadership which is leading and will lead to the goodliness and security in the turbulent regional environment.
In this occasion, on behalf of me and all the members of the Embassy, I also have the pleasure and honor to extend the highest and congratulations and regards to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz and his trustworthy Crown Prince and all members of generous Royal family and noble Saudi peoples.

Wassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh.

Essa bin Yousef Al Duhailan
Ambassador of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia to Bangladesh
