Message from the Ambassador


On the behalf of the Iranian government and the people of Iran, we would like to extend our heartfelt greetings to the government and the people of Bangladesh on the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Every year on the 11th February, the Iranian people gather around to commemorate the greatest achievement in the history of Iran; the success of the Islamic Revolution which took place in 1979 led by imam Khomeini (R). The revolution brought a huge impact on the social, cultural, and political atmosphere within Iran. It brought the sense of self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and sovereignty to the spirit of the Iranian people.
Now and thanks to the Revolution, Iran Is completely capable of making its own decisions regarding its national policies and governance without paying heed to foreign influence. In the last three decades, Iran has made huge technological advances and progresses in sciences including nanotechnology, space research, and nuclear technology.
Iran’s nuclear program was deemed controversial by the Western world. According to them, Iran was planning to build a stockpile of nuclear weapons. Although many assurances were given that the nuclear program was entirely peaceful and that WMDs such as nuclear weapons did not comply with Iran’s defense doctrine, the West remained unconvinced. In the end, an international agreement was struck between Iran and the P5+1. The deal was implemented on 16th January 2016 where the sanctions Imposed by the Western world were lifted, and in return, Iran decreased its nuclear activity. This deal was known as the greatest diplomatic achievement for Iran.
Iran, also, in the light of its location and outstanding capabilities, as well as being a member of O.I.C., D8, E.C.O., NAM, G77, an observer to SAARC has so far pursued an active role in regional & international arenas.
Bilateral relations with the People’s Republic of Bangladesh:
Taking into the consideration the fact that the full-fledged expansion of cooperation with Islamic countries as a priority in our foreign policy, let me briefly explain the bilateral relations between the two Muslim countries, being located in Asia with vast areas of commonalities existing between the two nations and the people of Iran and Bangladesh.
While the relationship between Iran & Bangladesh dates back centuries ago, Iran established formal diplomatic relations with Bangladesh in the very year of the independence of Bangladesh. During these years, bilateral relations have always been warm and friendly. I am quite confident that we will be able to further enhance this relationship in all its dimensions in near future. In order to strengthen bilateral economic ties and lay down the appropriate foundation for further mutual cooperation, the 5th joint Economic Commission between the two countries was held in Dhaka in May 2013. During the meeting, both sides, Inspired by brotherly relations and in a friendly atmosphere, conducted constructive negotiations in the field of bilateral trade and investment, energy, transportation, ICT, agriculture, economic cooperation, customs, banking, culture, and education as well as agreed to advance relations in the mentioned fields. Moreover, during the year 2014, two distinct Iranian Parliamentary delegations visited Bangladesh and based on mutual agreement between two sides, they are moving towards expansion of parliamentary relations and people-to- people relations.
After that, delegations of high officials from both countries continued to visit each other’s country. In 2016, Mr. Asaduzzaman Noor, Minister of Cultural Affairs, Mr.Nurul Islam Nahid, Minister of Education, Principal Matior Rahman, Minister of Religious Affairs, Mr. Amir Hossain Amu Minister for industry as well as Mr. Menon the Minister of Civil Aviation of Bangladesh visited Iran. In the same year, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mr. Javad Zarif visited Bangladesh and officially met with the Prime Minister, President and high officials of Bangladesh. At the end of the same year, four Iranian MPs went on a tour around Bangladesh. On January 2016, Rear-Admiral Habibollah Sayyari chief of the Iranian Navy has attended the 5th edition of Indian Ocean Naval Symposium in Bangladesh. To conclude my remarks, I would like to take this opportunity to thank once again the people and the government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for their significant contribution to develop the ties and bonds of friendship between the two nations and governments.
Dr. Abbas Vaezi
Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary
of the Islamic Republic of Iran
