36th Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran: Message from the Ambassador

On the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, it gives me great pleasure to extend, on behalf of the Iranian government & people of Iran, our heartfelt greetings and best wishes to the government & People of Bangladesh. On the 11th of February every year, the people of Iran in every part of the world, commemorate, the victory of the greatest revolution of the 20th century which took place in Iran in 1979. This revolution of course, brought about a deep transformation in the patterns of Iranian society, the subjects of which are Ethics, Human Values, Independence, Self- reliance, Self Sufficiency & Development.
The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, being an independent policy, is based on principles of justice, mutual respect to norms of international relations, non- interference into the internal affairs of other countries. In this connection, we have always been seeking effective & constructive diplomatic approach, focusing on mutual confidence building with our neighbors and other regional and international players.
Iran, also, in the light of its location and outstanding capabilities , as well as being a member of O.I.C., D8, E.C.O., NAM, G77, an observer to SAARC has so far pursued an active role in regional & international arenas.
As far as the peaceful nuclear – energy program of Iran is concerned, it is worthy to briefly elaborate the issue for the dear readers of the message:
Since the early 1990,s, Iran has always been subject to enormous hype, predicting one after another, how close Iran was to acquiring a nuclear weapon. As time passed, all accusations were proved to be baseless. Throughout this period, alarmists tried to paint Iran as a threat to the Middle East & the world. We all know who the chief agitator is, and what purposes are to be served by hyping this issue. The fact is that, Iran is committed not to work toward developing and producing a nuclear weapon. As enunciated in the Fatwa issued by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, we strongly believe that the development, production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons are contrary to Islamic norms and therefore it has no place in the security doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is to be added that Iran is fully prepared to engage seriously with the international community and to negotiate with the related interlocutors in good faith. Let us hope that our counterparts, too, are ready to take advantage of this window of opportunity.
 Bilateral relation with the People’s Republic of Bangladesh:
Taking into the consideration the fact that the full fledge expansion of cooperation with Islamic countries as a priority in our foreign policy, let me briefly touch upon the bilateral relations between the two Muslim countries, being located in Asia with vast area of commonalities existing between the two nations and peoples.
While the relationship between Iran & Bangladesh dates back to the centuries ago, Iran established formal diplomatic relation with Bangladesh since the very year of independence of Bangladesh. During these years, bilateral relations have always been warm & friendly & I am quite confident that we will be able to further enhance this relationship in all its dimensions in future.  
In order to strengthen bilateral trade and economic ties & lay down appropriate bases for further mutual cooperation, the 5th joint Economic Commission between the two countries was held in Dhaka in May 2013. During the meeting, both sides, inspired by brotherly relations and in a friendly atmosphere, conducted constructive negotiations in the field of bilateral trade and investment, energy, transportation, ICT, agriculture, economic cooperation, customs, banking, culture & education as well and agreed to advance relations in the said fields. Moreover, during the year 2014, two distinct Iranian Parliamentary delegations visited Bangladesh and based on mutual agreement between two sides, are moving towards expansion of parliamentary relations and people to people relations.
To conclude my remarks, I would like to take this opportunity to thank once again the people and the respected government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for their significant contribution to the enhancement of the ties and bonds of friendship between the two peoples & governments.
Long – live Relations between Iran & Bangladesh

Dr. Abbas Vaezi
Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary
of the Islamic Republic of Iran