Merkel`s bold assertion, Islam is a religion of peace

WHEN a global superpower is obdurate in its blatant attempts to brand Islam as a religion of terror, German Chancellor Angela Merkel makes it loud and clear that Islam is a religion of peace and not terror. Her comment in the just ended Munich Security Conference held in Germany re-establishes the true face of Islam now being mischievously distorted by certain vested quarters in the West.

Germany is emerging as a strong European replacement of the US leadership of the free world when President Donald Trump is threatening to withdraw US commitment to European security to appease Russia and has unleashed a war bandaging Muslims as terrorists. He has signed an executive order banning entry of Muslims from seven countries and Syrian refugees, although a court order has blocked its operation.

The German Chancellor’s bold and clear assertion that she will welcome more Muslim refugees and that the religion of Islam is not the source of terror came at the most critical time when anti-Muslim campaign by white supremacists in the USA and ultra-nationalists in Europe are misinterpreting Islam on political ground. They are opposed to take refugees and even criticizing Merkel for sheltering over a million refugees.

The Munich Security Conference, held regularly since 1963 is playing a significant role as an independent forum for discussing and bolstering global security issues to give new ideas to global policymakers. For over five decades it has replaced wrongly perceived myths with the truth for the sake of maintaining international peace and security.


Ms Merkel in her wide-ranging speech has laid stress on combating religious fanaticism, which essentially does not highlight the true face of Islam. She asked for active cooperation of all Muslim countries to defeat the tourists. We have always laid emphasis on what Ms Merkel has exactly said in her speech that a handful people using identity of Muslim religion is destroying the image of Islam and they must be seriously dealt with. It needs international coalition to fight them.

Her independent policy amidst criticism from the USA President and ultra-right political groups within the EU shows the sign of her courage and statesmanship when narrow politics is trying to overtake bigger humanitarian issues.

Coupled with defining Islam in its correct form, the German Chancellor’s commendable plea to European countries for taking-in more refugees should be considered seriously by European leaders for not to be selfish when humanity is in perils. Her bold response to President Trump’s policy that increased military capability is not the logical solution to curb extremism is a well-judged comment. That said – we have seen how the United States has repeatedly and wrongly addressed terrorism with military strength only to fail to achieve the goal.
Leaders of Islam must come forward boldly also in defense of Islam. Muslims can be terrorists like the misguided followers of other religions. Hitler was a Christian, but Christian religion is not blamed for his act of extreme terrorism.

Muslims have reasons to feel oppressed and humiliated. But for that to blame Islam is showing hatred against Islam and all the Muslims. President Trump of America has hatred against Islam. He has hatred against the very idea of what the America is.  
