Merkel selfie delights Germany’s Podolski


AFP, Salvador :

Arsenal’s Lukas Podolski delivered on his pre-match promise to get a dressing room photograph with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after Germany’s rout of Portugal at the World Cup finals on Monday.
The 29-year-old Gunners star had previously said he wanted to get a selfie with the German leader who was at Salvador’s Arena Fonte Nova to watch the match which saw Thomas Mueller score a hat-trick.
The German leader visited the team dressing room to congratulate Joachim Loew’s side on their 4-0 win in their opening Group G match and Podolski seized his chance.
“4-0 win, awesome start! And here the promised Selfie with the chancellor,” he posted on Twitter with a picture of him beaming alongside Merkel.
Her press spokesman Steffan Seibert later posted a picture on Twitter of Merkel with the entire team.
“Congratulations-a perfect start to the tournament!” he Tweeted.
Merkel has made a habit of visiting the national team after matches.
Her popularity soared when pictures of her enthusiastically celebrating a World Cup win in 2006 — which Germany hosted-were published by daily Bild.
Loew said Merkel’s visit had capped a great day for Germany.
“She gave a little speech to say now nice it was that we won, especially after such a long trip here,” said Loew. “There was a lot of applause.
“We always like it when she comes to see us, she is always a nice guest to have.”
