Meritorious girls honoured by Ctg school

Nazrul Islam Chowdhury MP, member of the parliamentary standing committee on Civil Aviation Ministry speaks at a reception ceremony to award the meritorious students of Fatenagarh Sharifunnessa Naziruddin Girl's High School recently.
Nazrul Islam Chowdhury MP, member of the parliamentary standing committee on Civil Aviation Ministry speaks at a reception ceremony to award the meritorious students of Fatenagarh Sharifunnessa Naziruddin Girl's High School recently.

Campus Report :
The meritorious students of Fatenagarh Sharifunnessa Naziruddin Girl’s High School who received good grades in the SSC exam of 2014 were recognized and awarded. The ceremony was recently held on the school premises and present as the chief guest was the member of the parliamentary standing committee on Civil Aviation Ministry, Nazrul Islam Chowdhury MP and as the special guest was Panel Mayor of Chittagong City Corporation, Chowdhury Hasan Mahmud Hasni and Chief Financial Officer of Top of Mind’s Salma Adil.
Also present at the ceremony were the high school’s Headmaster Mofizuddin Ahmed, businessman Zaker Hossain, Golam Azad Sishu, teachers, students and local elites.
Nazrul Islam MP said, “The current government wants to achieve women empowerment through the education of girls. This high school is working tirelessly towards improving the quality of the education of these girls and I would like to offer any assistance that I can to build the school’s second building.”
