Mental health should get priority


A survey conducted by Aachol Foundation stated that 364 students in the country’s education institutions committed suicide from January to August of this year. The voluntary organisation disclosed the findings of the survey which was conducted based on suicide reports published by 150 national and local newspapers. The study found suicide rates are high among school students. Among those who committed suicide, 194 were school students. A seven-year-old child also committed suicide.
On average, more than 45 students commit suicide every month. Suicide rates are highest among students aged between 14 and 16, with 107 suicides in this age group. The tendency of suicide is the most noticeable among 13 to 20-year-old, which is 78.6 per cent. According to the survey, a total of 76 college students committed suicide in that period. Some 50 university students, on the other hand, also committed suicide.
Some 44 of the total students who committed suicide were enrolled in madrasas. Compared to other regions of the country, suicide rates are high in the Dhaka division. Female students continue to outnumber male students in suicides, accounting for 60.71 per cent of all suicides in that period. According to the survey, love affairs are the most common cause of suicide. Besides, students have committed suicide due to session jams, failing exams, study pressure, depression, the death of friends, and financial problems.
There is no national initiative to refrain youth from suicide, rather political environment in public schools, colleges and universities, financial pressure, high unemployment, unbridled gadget dependency, social media addiction, lack of familial and religious commandments, and impunity make the youth adamant to take off their life. Experts said suicide of more than 350 students in eight months is a matter of great concern. There is no visible initiative to prevent suicide.
We don’t see any initiative to prevent suicide. Initiatives should be taken to eliminate the stigma in society about mental health. Suicide should be seen as a mental health emergency and not a crime.
