Menon accuses BNP- Jamaat for destroying lives by boycotting JS polls

Barisal Corresondent :
Rashed Khan Menon, Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister, in Barisal on Thursday firmly announced that none could prevent trial of war criminals and it would be completed and judgments would be executed by this government at any cost.
He opined that BNP-Jamaat alliance destroyed lives and properties by boycotting national assembly election of January 5, 2014.
After failing to foil the national election, Tareq Rahman giving provocative statements against the the first and legal Mujibnagor Government of liberation war time
BNP-Jamaat leaders now engaging in new conspiracies trying to deforming glorious history of our independence and liberation war by delivering false statements and fake documents, which astonished the whole nation, Menon said.
Menon, also the chairman of Workers Party, told these inaugurating the ninth conference of the district Workers Party as chief guest at Barisal Ashwini Kumar Hall held with the call for preventing imperialism, conspiracy of fundamentalism and to advance non-communal democratic struggle ( Samrajyabad, Moulabadi Sharajantra Rukho and O’ Samprodaeik Ganotantric Sangram Egiye Niye Jao) .
Menon said BNP-Jamaat alliance boycotting national election burnt 450 educational institutions, killed innocent mass people and even members of law enforcing agencies, damaged properties causing losses of cores of taka.
While people rejected the terrorist activities of BNP-Jamaat, then they participated in upazila parishad elections realising their errors of boycotting elections. Now BNP-Jamaat expressing their happiness when their supported candidates win in upazila elections and criticizing government when they defeat, Menon explained.
Menon acknowledged that target of empowering women yet to be achieved and alleged fundamentalist groups like Hefajat trying to captive women inside the houses.
He cautioned that WP will start movement for justified share of Teesta river water if necessary and all demands could be achieved if the people and workers would be united.