Men with female offspring are ‘more generous’

Life Desk :
You’re in for some good luck if your boss has a daughter. A recent study revealed how men having a daughter tend to be more generous and caring than others.
Men With Female Offspring are ‘More Generous’
The presence of a female offspring, regardless of her age, can be enough to bring out the loving and generous side of a man.
The study, which was actually aimed at understanding the stark difference between the nature of wealthy men and billionaires, revealed a much general idea, applicable to every man. The study attempted to understand why some men gave away millions and billions as charity, while some others didn’t donate any money at all.
To understand better how this happens, the researchers analyzed the wages that male CEO’s of over 10,000 companies and tracked how much they paid their employees.
Careful observation revealed that on an average, after the CEO’s had a child, they spend £65 less annually per employee. Close analysis revealed that the CEO’s reduced the employee wages after they had a male child, but not after they had a female offspring.
The researchers speculate that this may be due to the fact that the daughter’s bring out their father’s caring side.
Previous studies also reveal that legislators having daughters tend to vote more liberally.
So if you’re thinking of a pay rise, and your boss has a daughter, it might just be your lucky day! Source: Medindia