Members of Chandpur Coastguard Station burning huge quantity of banned current nets worth about Tk 6 crores on the premises of Coastguard station. The nets were seized from the Meghna and Padma rivers during their drives on Sunday last. Sadar Upazila Fisheries Officer Mahbube Alam was present at that time.

Members of Chandpur Coastguard Station burning huge quantity of banned current nets worth about Tk 6 crores on the premises of Coastguard station. The nets were seized from the Meghna and Padma rivers during their drives on Sunday last. Sadar Upazil
Members of Chandpur Coastguard Station burning huge quantity of banned current nets worth about Tk 6 crores on the premises of Coastguard station. The nets were seized from the Meghna and Padma rivers during their drives on Sunday last. Sadar Upazil