Mekong countries vow to boost regional economy via digital technology


Xinhua, Bangkok :
Members from the Mekong region on Wednesday signed a joint declaration to kick start a new era of digital technology to enhance regional economy.
The statement was made in a joint declaration on technology cooperation during the CLMTV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam) Forum 2018 in Bangkok.
The “CLMTV Taking-Off Through Technology” forum is aimed at promoting economic ties and sharing technological know-how amongst member countries.
The forum has attracted about 1,000 participants from the public, private and academic sectors along with members of the media.
At the presiding ceremony, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said that the CLMTV Forum provided a unique opportunity for leading business people, senior policy makers and academics, and the younger generation of entrepreneurs to come together and share views on the sustainability of future cooperation.
“With shared historical, geographical, and cultural ties, the CLMTV region has great potential to develop into a thriving global hub for commerce, industry and tourism,” said Prayut,”one of our strongest feature of the CLMTV region is our resilience as a preferred destination for international trade and investment.”
