Meghdut’s 117th birth anniversary

Entertainment Report :
Noted cultural personality Khondkar Anwarul Haque Meghdut’s birthday was on January 4. To mark the day, Meghdut Smrity Parishad organised a discussion meeting on the premises of Dr Nurul Amin University College at Umedpur in Shibchar, Madaripur presided over by convener of the Parishad Prof Abdul Matin. Moderated by son of Meghdut Khondkar Zehanul Haque Tuku, Lecturer of the college Ashit Ranjan Mondal, Amirul Islam, Jewel Ahmmed and Assistant Headmaster of RL High School Md Rezaul Karim took part in the discussion on life and activities of Meghdut in the meeting.  
Artist Meghdut was born in the beginning of last century and died on March 10 in 2000.