Meeting on Sheikh Hasina’s 10 special initiatives held

BSS, Khulna :
A meeting on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Special Ten Initiatives and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was held at the conference room of Circuit House.
Press Information Department (PID) arranged the meeting with local journalists while Additional Divisional Commissioner (development) of Khulna Nishchinta Kumar Podder addressed it as the chief guest.
Khulna Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Helal Hossain and Khulna Press Club President SM Habib addressed the programme as special guests with Senior Deputy Principal Information Officer Faizul Haque in the chair.
Speaking at the meeting Nishchinta Kumar Podder said the United Nations (UN) has started implementing SDGs since 2016. Of the 17 SDGs, 11 were proposed by Bangladesh.
Actually the Prime Minister’s Special 10 Initiatives and SDGs are tied in a single string, he said, adding that the country witnessed remarkable development through implementation of these initiatives.
Noting that government officials are bound to give information to journalists under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, Podder said transparency and accountability of every office will be ensured through implementation of the RTI Act.
Deputy Principal Information Officer of Khulna Regional Information Office M Javed Iqbal delivered welcome address while PID’s Senior Information Officer Asaduzzaman Khan and Feature Writer Md Rezaul Karim Siddique attended the meeting, among others.
Later, the journalists visited the Khulna Social Services Office and talked with beneficiaries about different social safety net programmes.
